Maintenance Plan

Are you enjoying your landscape lighting?

We know you purchased lighting for practical and aesthetic reasons – not for another home maintenance project. However, just like any purchase of equipment, outdoor lighting does require service to keep it in good condition. Although maintenance is minimal, it is necessary.  We recommend that your system be serviced twice a year.

Night Vision offers a complete maintenance plan which services:

  • Bulbs – replace
  • Fixtures – adjust, clean, repair, replace and check for proper voltage
  • Wiring – repair
  • Connections – repair
  • Transformers – repair or replace
  • Controls – program, repair or replace

Maintenance Plan Cost

$120 minimum for 1st hour each scheduled maintenance visit ($80/hour in 15 minute increments for additional time) plus parts.

Our Guarantee

We will schedule two visits per year for complete maintenance service.

In the event any bulb(s) may burn out between the scheduled maintenance visits, we will return to replace the bulb(s) at no additional labor charge. You will only be responsible for the price of the bulb(s).

For service, please complete the registration below.


3 + 1 =

*You are hereby authorized to furnish all material, equipment and labor required to complete the work described in the above maintenance contract, for which I agree to pay the amount reflected on the invoice at the time of service.  I understand that the product warranties do not cover the cost of any fixtures, parts or bulbs that are broken due to personal neglect or acts of God. I will be charged and agree to pay for the repair and/or replacement of any such parts.  I acknowledge that this maintenance contract will stay in effect until I cancel in writing.